After School Clubs

At the heart of our ambition for Carntall Primary School is our commitment to providing the very best for all children to enjoy and achieve. This includes having the widest possible range of opportunities both within and beyond the curriculum. We offer extra-curricular opportunities through various types of provision delivered by school staff, external providers and independent clubs – all with a view to increasing the range of experiences that children have, enabling them to make informed choices for adult life. Activities are designed to be fun and cater for a wide variety of interests.
We want to offer the scope for each and every child to find a passion, develop a talent, spark an interest or simply find pleasure in doing an activity with others. After-school clubs are a fantastic way of achieving this and we are excited to offer a wide range of clubs. The information below outlines all of the clubs we have available, from singing and cookery, to hockey and football, computing and nature detectives. We hope you will take time to explore what is on offer and encourage your child to try something new or continue taking part in a firm favourite.
Term 2
Monday: Highland Dance
Tuesday: Cookery
Thursday: Rugby & Drama
Carntall Primary School, 5 Aghintain Road, Clogher, County Tyrone BT76 0UY | Phone: 028 85 548423