Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader is a powerful tool designed to meet the individual reading needs of every pupil. It is most effective when the school and home work together to promote individual reading. This page is designed to support parents in understanding the Accelerated Reading Programme.
How It Works?
1) Star Reading
Pupils take a reading assessment called a “STAR TEST”. This is a computerised reading test which is used to identify the pupil's reading age. Based on this reading age the pupils will receive a special score, which corresponds to a colour. Our school library books are colour coded and children select books based on their colour. This is very helpful as it helps students select books that are difficult enough to keep them challenged, but not too difficult to cause frustration.
2) Targets
The children have three individual targets to achieve per half term. These are generated by the programme, based on their reading age. Therefore, a more able reader or older child will have a higher target than a younger or struggling reader. The first target is to read enough books and pass enough quizzes to pass their points target. The child must also score above 85% average of accuracy in quizzes taken and they must read books that are within their ability, i.e. not books that are too easy.
3) Quiz
Once the child has read a book, they can log in at school and complete a quiz on said book. This quiz will check for their understanding and comprehension of the text. This is important, as only quizzes passed will help accumulate points towards their targets. The quiz is marked automatically and the children can see when they log in their progress across all targets.
To access Accelerated Reader at home click on the link below:
4) Celebrating Achievement
Accelerated reading continues throughout the school year and is divided into term intervals. At the end of each term, achievement is celebrated through certificates for 'Words read' and for children who meet their targets. At the beginning of a new term, a new 'Star reading' test is taken and new targets are generated for the term.
Carntall Primary School, 5 Aghintain Road, Clogher, County Tyrone BT76 0UY | Phone: 028 85 548423