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Carntall Primary School, Clogher, County Tyrone

Meet Our Board of Governors


The Governing Body of Carntall Primary school is made up of dedicated individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. We are all volunteers who give our time to provide strategic leadership and ensure the school operates to effectively deliver its ethos, vision and values. 


The Board of Governors for our school are (2025-2029):

Mrs Audrey Boyd: EA representative, BoG chair and designated governor for child protection and link governor for pupil voice and emotional health and wellbeing. 

Mr Adrian Gervais: Transferor representative, vice chair and link governor for world around us. 

Mr Clive Reid: Parent representative and link governor for health and safety

Mr Roger Clarke: Principal and BoG secretary 

Mrs Kathryn Mulligan: Teacher representative

Mr John Smith: Transferor representative and link governor for attendance 

Mrs Emma Trimble: EA representative and link governor for numeracy

Mrs Heather Kirkpatrick: Parent representative a link governor for shared education and ICT

Mrs Isabel Gilmore: Transferor representative and link governor for literacy

Mrs Fiona Wilson: Transferor representative and link governor for SEN