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Carntall Primary School, Clogher, County Tyrone


2022/2023 School Year

1st Jun 2023
As part of P5&6 topic this term we have been learning all about The Water Cycle. ...
31st May 2023
Making the most of the lovely weather we have been able to bring our numeracy outdoors....
31st May 2023
Pupils enjoyed being able to play dodgeball, ask questions to one another to get...
26th May 2023
Today our school council delivered an assembly to the whole school. They highlighted...
18th May 2023
P5 and P6 had a brilliant day away at the Ulster Museum. We got to take part in...
15th May 2023
This week the Nature Detectives were set the challenge of building a strong tower...
4th May 2023
As a whole school, we celebrated the Coronation of King Charles. We had a fabulous...